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What We Do

We serve joyfully in hope and love for our friends in need.

Here are examples of SVdP joyful service:


Who we help

We provide assistance to people in need regardless of their race, religion and ethnicity.

Where we help
We help residents in the Charlottesville and the nearby area, including our fellow church parishioners.
What we can provide 
Assistance with rent, utilities, and emergency needs 
Information about alternative assistance and resources
Ongoing case management
How we help
The home visit is the focus of our work. Following a phone interview, two Vincentians will visit persons requesting help to listen, understand the situation and determine how we can support the individual or family. A Vincentian is not judgmental and always looks to see the face Christ in all those who we serve. 
Safeguarding Policy
Our Vincentians are committed to protecting the rights of all people and to ensuring  that vulnerable persons of all ages are protected from physical and mental violence, injury, abuse, and exploitation, including sexual abuse.  In all of our communications and contact with our friends in need, we follow the Society of St. Vincent de Paul National Council Safeguarding Policy, which can be found here:
The role of a Vincentian is to walk beside those in need in helping them to determine solutions for the challenges they face while always reminding them of the presence of God in their lives.
Our Conference was started in May 2019; incorporated in VA in September 2019, obtained 501(c)(3) non-profit status in January 2020 and is in the Richmond District SVdP Council.
Our Conference consists of 25 Vincentians who are parishioners of the local Catholic churches and have received VIRTUS and Society of SVdP training in order to effectively carry out our Vincentian ministry in service to others.
In 2021, we provided >$130,000 to >700 friends in need in our community, primarily for rent, utilities and food costs.
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